Booking your Flights, Part 2

So now convinced to go around the world and knowing where I want to go, how do I now book my flights?

My experience has provided me many options. There’s a story behind each one, which if you don’t mind I’d like to share to see if this option is for you. This is Part 2. You can find Part 1 here, which focuses on buying a Round the World ticket via SkyTeam in the Philippines (spoiler alert: not recommended).

If you want to know my recommendation,  just jump to the end of this series.

So with Skyteam a bust, lets’s try another Airline Partnership that offers round the world tickets:

Star Alliance S1 Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 5.15.25 PM

ATTEMPT #2 – Star Alliance

Star Alliance is actually a bigger network than SkyTeam. This includes Singapore Airlines, United, Lufthansa, EgyptAir, ANA, etc.

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